Makeup Tips for Acne Prone Skin | Aelida

Marina | January 16, 2014 | Beauty, Cosmetics |

Though acne is genetic, most people experience a breakout every now and then even if they have no severe acne problems. Having a breakout is such a hassle and at the same time quite a challenge when it comes to wearing makeup. Figuring out how you can conceal all the scars and spots as well as the acne itself without piling on too much makeup on your face can take quite a while. Acne prone skin is very sensitive so choosing what makeup to use is even more difficult. It’s a trial and error process that’s not only tiring and frustrating but expensive as well. Here are some makeup tips for acne prone skin that might help you out:

  • Make sure to start with clean skin – breakouts are sometimes triggered by the dirt and other pollutants that come in contact with the skin. To avoid this, make sure that you wash your face before you do your makeup and see to it that there are no more products left from your last makeup look (which could be last night).


  • Choose makeup products with the most natural ingredients – another reason that breakouts happen is that sensitive skin gets in contact with certain chemicals found in beauty products. Now, you can’t totally eliminate chemicals in products like these but you can choose to wear as little as possible by reading the labels and watching out for certain ingredients in the makeup you use. Doing this will lower the risks of you experiencing breakouts. Remember that not all high end products are good for acne prone skin so do your research before you make a splurge.

  • Go for good coverage – sheer foundations and light concealers are great but they don’t get the job done when you have dark acne scars and acne on your skin. If you have quite a few spots to conceal, make sure that you get a foundation with great coverage so that you don’t have to build it up and opt for a thick cream concealer to hide unsightly spots.

  • Clean your makeup brushes more often – because acne prone skin is more sensitive compared to regular skin, you have to clean your brushes more often than other women do. Spot clean them every other day and deep clean them weekly to ensure that no germs or bacteria breed in your brushes. Brushes come in contact with the skin the most so make sure that they are always clean.

  • Don’t just rely on makeup to cover up your acne – while wearing makeup is a very quick, easy and effective way to conceal acne and acne scars, treating your acne so it does not get worse is always better. Just because your acne is hidden behind makeup does not mean you can neglect it and forget about treating it. Motivate yourself to stick to a regular skin care regimen that works in clearing up your skin.

  • Avoid switching products often – sure, it’s difficult to come by a product that doesn’t break you out but don’t stress out your skin even more by using different products every so often. Your skin reacts to different makeup formulas differently so exposing it to a new one every now and then can make your skin go crazy and breakout.