How to get Thicker Hair | Aelida

Marina | February 8, 2014 | Hair |

Having hair that’s not too thick can sometimes be a good thing but when your hair starts breaking and falling off and you get even thinner hair, you might find yourself getting a few bald spots here and there which can be quite embarrassing. Knowing how to get thicker hair is great so you can prevent hair thinning from happening. If your hair is thinning a bit more rapidly, you might want to see a doctor as that can be a sign of some health issue though sometimes hair thinning just happens because of stress. Read on below to see how to get thicker hair. These tips can be used regardless of whether you’re already experiencing hair loss / thinning or you just want to know what to do in case it happens any time.

  • Load up on protein – one of the most common things that you can blame hair thinning on is a poor diet, especially one that lacks protein. If you want to get thicker hair, eat a protein-rich diet. Protein is important for hair growth and health so make sure you get plenty of it by including eggs, meat, fish and other protein loaded food in your diet. If you’re vegan some of the best sources of protein include hemp, chia, sprouted brown protein or even those protein shake supplements you can get from health bars.

  • Switch to a sulfate-free shampoo – most shampoos today contain sulfate along with other harsh detergents and strong chemical ingredients. All these can cause damage to your hair by stripping your hair and scalp of its natural oils leaving it dried out and making it weak and more prone to breakage.  If you want to grow thicker hair, switch to a sulfate free shampoo. These shampoos are less likely to have harsh ingredients so your hair gets to preserve its natural oils which help in keeping your hair healthy and strong.

  • Style your hair smartly – there are quick ways to get thicker hair instantly just by styling your hair. You can tease it (though try to avoid this if you already have severely damaged hair) to give it a volume boost, you can go for a blow out or you can also get extensions clipped in to add more body and thickness to your hair. The latter is, of course, is the most damage-free option you can go for though it’s also the priciest. Another option you have to make your hair ‘appear’ thicker is to apply color strategically on your hair and we say thicker because this only creates an illusion. Ask your hairstylist about which colors would work best for this.


  • Give home remedies a chance – being on a tight budget shouldn’t be an excuse for you not to get thicker hair. There are so many home remedies out there that you can try to get thicker hair. Some of the most popular home remedies include an egg hair mask treatment, fenugreek seeds made into a paste and applied on to hair and the use of aloe vera extract on hair.

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