How to Keep Your Hair from Being Tangled Up | Aelida

Marina | February 12, 2014 | Hair |

Having those knots in your hair when you smooth through them casually can be really annoying. Hair can get tangled up because of a lot of things but it happens mainly because your hair isn’t smooth enough for the strands to just glide through each other so they end up in a knot instead. If you’re looking for a way to end your problem with tangled hair, read on below. We’ve got easy and useful tips on how to keep your hair from being tangled up.

  • Comb your hair before you wash it – working the lather around your head while you shampoo your hair can get it tangled but you can prevent this by stepping in the shower with smooth and silky locks. Just comb your hair before you wash it so that shampooing will go much smoother and will produce less tangles. If you do encounter some tangles while you’re working the shampoo into your hair, do not detangle and just leave it for a while.


  • Condition each time after you shampoo – conditioner works really well in detangling your locks so make sure you do this after you shampoo your hair, no matter if you have dry or oily hair although if you have oily hair you should focus on the ends and avoid conditioning the roots. If you’ve gotten tangles from shampooing, detangle while you condition your hair. Be careful when doing this and don’t pull too hard on your hair as this can cause breakage. Aside from being tangle free, your hair will also feel softer and look shinier after using conditioner.

  • Ditch you hairbrush for a wide-toothed comb – if your hair is always susceptible to tangling up, you may want to ditch your hairbrush and use a wide-toothed comb instead. The latter is better at detangling your mane and it also causes less friction which means less damage. If you can’t live without your hairbrush, though, just make sure your hair is tangle free before you use it. You can detangle with a wide-toothed comb (or your fingers) first then brush it after.

  • Carry detangling products all the time – there are lots of detangling products out in the market, from sprays to serums to oils, creams, gels and many, many more. Make sure to get your hands on at least one detangling product and carry it with you every time you head out so that you can smooth out your hair whenever you need to. Just apply a bit of the product to loosen up the knot and then use your fingers to untangle.

  • Get your hair trimmed regularly – as your hair grows longer, split ends can develop and these split ends get caught in tangles more than regular, healthy hair so make sure you get maintain your hair by getting a trim every now and then to cut off any split ends. Aside from tangling, split ends also make hair look dry and dull so make sure you have them taken out regularly.

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