How to wear Leopard print dress | Aelida

Wearing a Leopard print dress like a celebrity is not a piped dream. The dress is best worn short and as simple as is possible. When the dress is long or a maxi, it is better to keep it sleeveless so as not to overdo it. A look at how celebrities wear the Leopard print dress is a clear sign that with this dress, the simpler it is the better and the elegant it looks. When the prints are too loud or fully sleeved, it is better toned down by wearing one toned color above the dress to give it a different new look. Wearing a Leopard print dress can be done by anybody and not only celebrities.

Diane Furstenberg New Cover Up Dress: The print silk chiffon may add a lot of color to party, however is still the leopard print inspired. So, we hope that this can inspire you and try on the leopard print dress next time when you go out for shopping and partying. To bring out animal in you! The animal prints are adored for the bolder appeal and they are also known to be very versatile, this is, you may also wear them through all the seasons. Best part about animal print women clothes is you may wear the complete look in case, you are the die hard print lover, and just accessorize the dress with the leopard print accessories if you are the understated dresser. At some times, you might just select to flirt with the leopard print dresses as fly by fashion rage.

Women who actually prefer wearing wild, and for this matter, very bold look will go for these prints in the casual clothing, which have the wider attraction span. Also, they will either opt for the leopard coats,leopard print dress, thigh high boots and knee high. Ensure that you choose the prints, which are diagonally or horizontally patterned. The leopard maxi dresses are the huge hit during summer months. While adorning these such prints, stick to the clean outlines as well as wear the bright accessories for accentuating prints. The gold jewelry works very well for the women’s casual clothes with the animal stripes and prints however other fashion jewelry and costume jewelry will not get ruled out from list of the options that are given they come in the striking designs & vibrant colors.