How to Find the Perfect Nude Lipstick | Aelida

Marina | March 8, 2014 | Beauty |

Nude lips are going to be one of the hottest trends for spring this year but you’re more than welcome to start wearing them even though spring is still a few couple of days away. What’s amazing about nude lips is that they’re very simple, subtle and chic. They make  your lips look luscious without it looking like you tried to hard. However, for you to achieve all these, you should have the right shade of nude lipsticks in your makeup arsenal. Here are some tips on how to find the perfect nude lipstick for you.

  • Tips for dark lips – when it comes to pulling off a nude lip look, women with darker lips are the luckiest because they can wear the palest of shades and this will not make them look washed out which is one of the biggest concerns of women who want to try sporting a nude lip. If you have lips with dark or deep undertones, just make sure to get a nude lipstick that has a full opaque coverage. This way, the nude color will show and pop instead of just giving your dark lips a lightened effect.

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  • Do the wrist test – lipstick testers are great. The only problem is that you never know whose lips those testers touched. Not wanting to swipe those tester sticks on your lips is not called being a diva, it’s called being cautious and hygienic so don’t worry about it. There is another way to see whether a lipstick color suits your skin tone and that is the wrist test. Just take the nude lipstick of your choice and do a swatch on the backside of your wrist. If the color is at least 2 shades darker than your skin on that area, it’s in the clear. You can proceed to buying that without worrying about looking like the walking dead.

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  • Tips for rosy lips – having rosy lips is such a huge asset. You can basically step out of the house without having to put lipstick or lip gloss on because the redness of your lips make them look kissable enough. When looking for a nude lipstick for rosy lips, go for those that have beige undertones that will offset the redness / rosiness. If you can’t find any, just take the nude lipstick that suits your skin best and remember to dab a little concealer on your lips before applying to mute the natural rosiness of your lips a little.

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  • When in doubt, get peach – not sure which shade of nude lipstick would really work for you? Go for a light peachy color instead. It works on all skin tones and lip colors and is universally flattering plus it also helps correct and neutralize dark pigments on your lips so you don’t have to worry about your lips looking blotchy.

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  • Tips for pale lips – avoid very light and pale nude lipstick colors if you have pale lips. The least you want to do is to make your nude lipstick make your lips even paler and lifeless. When choosing a nude lipstick for pale lips, choose one that adds a subtle dash of color to your lips like corals or peach tones. These colors will not only flatter your lips but will also add more dimension to them and will enhance that ‘barely there’ look you’re trying to pull off.

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