How to wear choker Necklaces | Aelida

A choker necklace, often known simply as a choker, is a necklace that fits very tightly around the neck. It doesn’t drape down to the collarbone or chest, but sits around the throat like a collar.

Choker Necklaces work best when they’re not competing with a busy neckline and long hair. Wear them with short hair or put your hair up for the greatest effect.

When you have a gold choker necklace, try wearing it with a strapless dress or shirt. You don’t want too much going on around your neck if u want the choker to be the main emphasis of your outfit, right?

Thanks to its fashion-forward status, a black choker necklace is a simple addition to your jewelry box that can revive your entire wardrobe, breathing new life into closet staples and old favorites. It can certainly be paired with any outfit because it is neutral.

Choker necklaces like the pearl choker necklace are better worn with strapless dresses because the attention will be focused on the neck area during your wedding. And as such, the choker will provide more drama and sexiness to the neck line.

Decide what type of details you want on your choker. One necklace that looks really pretty is a collar necklace. You can either wear them under a collar or over a basic blouse for that fabulously formal effect.

In the presence of something as simple as a t-shirt, a choker necklace becomes the focal point and makes something basic look brilliant once you throw in a blazer or vest just like what Kim Kardashian wore.

So you don’t necessarily need to go all out head-to-toe, you’re fine to pair down the rest of your outfit with a choker necklace and keep it simple. 

Choker necklaces like the gold choker necklace are perfectly worn with an off-shoulder dress or blouse. Just make sure that the material used in the necklace will complement the occasion and does not over do it.

The key in wearing a choker is to provide the right attention to the neckline. If you do not want to draw attention to that area, then avoid using a choker.

If you have a short neck, it’s best to avoid wearing chokers at all. This is all the more so if you also have a round face, full bust, or wide neck. It can ruin what you are hoping to achieve.