Resolutions to Make for a Better Beauty Routine | Aelida

Marina | January 1, 2015 | Beauty |

Every year we make a list of what we call ‘New Years Resolutions’ and often these include things like get fit, shop less, travel more and all that and while all of those are definitely great, we often forget to make a resolution that concerns our beauty routine. Now, I know some of you may have already perfected their beauty routines thus the lack of the need of resolutions but isn’t there always something that you forget to do or even take for granted that you know your skin will really thank you for? Here are some ideas for resolutions to make for a better beauty routine.

  • REMOVE YOUR MAKEUP BEFORE BED – removing your makeup before bed helps your skin breathe so don’t take this step for granted! Use makeup remover wipes to get the majority of your makeup off then wash the rest off with water and a gentle cleanser formulated for your skin type.

  • EMBRACE NAKED NAILS – let your nails breathe a little and skip a few days with your digits polish-free! You’ll be surprised at how stronger and whiter your nails are going to be when you do this.

  • SLATHER ON THE SPF – another beauty resolution that you should make this year is to never forget to put on SPF, no matter if it’s sunny or not. Just because you don’t see the sun doesn’t mean it’s not there and it’s not going to cast harmful rays on your skin.

  • RESIST THE URGE TO POP THAT ZIT – no matter how pesky that pimple may seem, resist the urge to pop it. Not only will you save yourself from possible infection, you’re also saving yourself from pore enlargement and getting broken capillaries. Cover them up with concealer and let time run its course.

  • DO A VANITY CLEANSE – now is the perfect time to go through all your products and see which ones should be thrown out. You’ll probably find more expired and unusable products in there that you expect. To keep your vanity up to date, try not to purchase anymore product just yet until you’re about to run out of it.

  • SIGN UP FOR A SUBSCRIPTION BOX – this may sound contradictory to the resolution above but hear me out. If you’re someone who likes trying out new products all the time, getting a subscription box is a great way to try out new products without having to commit to them.

  • TRY SOMETHING NEW – have you always worn a neutral eye makeup look? How about trying something different like a smoky eye or using a bright color on your lids? You could also go for a chop if you’ve always kept your hair long. Veer away from the usual and try something new. You might find your next go-to or signature look after you do.