Cool Cartilage Earrings | Aelida

One of the awesome earrings is the cartilage earrings. Commonly used by emos, rockers, or those people who can carry it. First impression if you see a person having a cartilage earrings are, arrogant, mean, and hardcore.

But hey! Don’t judge. Some just wear for fashion. Here are some additional information about  cartilage earring.

 There are different cute designs of cartilage earrings. Mostly wear by girls. You can also have it in different colors, not just the common.

Most boys fancy cartilage earrings for it adds accent to their ego. Cool cartilage earrings are those who have unique designs, like dragons, studs, snakes and more.

But first if you really wanted to have a cartilage earrings, consult first a professional, because you don not want to get irritations and to make worse thing to happen in your ears or wherever you wanted to put it up.

Cartilage piercing earrings can also be a dangerous piercing if not done in a right process, especially if you do it by yourself, well except for you are a professional in piercing.

Cartilage stud earrings are one of the cutest and coolest cartilage earrings, agree? You should. If it is your first time to have a it, choose the earrings that you really love.

 Also ask first if it is suitable for you, cause there are some earrings which can give you allergies, especially it’s the first time for your earrings, your skin is still virgin, it won’t hurt to consult first right? Choose a hypoallergenic earrings just to make sure.

We don’t want to just have a cool fashion but we want it safe too. Example to this is infection is Staphylococcus aureus, Very uncommon to is to become infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

You have to give special consideration to the infected part avoid serious auricular chondritis or also known for the deformation of the cartilage. It’s easy to put up cartilage earrings, thing is, you should be ready or aware if your allergic or not.

To put cartilage earrings, you can use ear gun, mostly used by earrings or accessories stores. Just be ready that’s it.

So cute..

Tags: cartilage earring cartilage earrings cartilage piercing earrings cartilage stud earrings cool cartilage earrings cute cartilage earrings