Chandelier Earrings for All Occasions | Aelida

Chandelier earrings are solely inspired from the magnificence of those long dangling chandelier lights in the ceiling.

Bear in mind that deco chandelier earrings never go out of style. As a matter of fact, more and more women can’t help wearing them in every call of opportunity to do so. There is no need for a wedding invite to be able to put on a pair of best chandelier earrings on your ears.

This type of earrings is one of those fashion classic pieces that is considerably a must- grab set of accessory.

Furthermore, antique chandelier earrings come in varied styles and types.

Clip-on chandelier earrings, clip-on hoop chandelier earrings, cluster chandelier earrings, dangle chandelier earrings, crystal chandelier earrings, fancy chandelier earrings, hoop chandelier earrings, lever back chandelier earrings, magnetic chandelier earrings and drop chandelier earrings are the most common chandelier earrings types that women can take advantage with to own the spotlight in any social event (sophisticated or casual).

It is highly perceivable that all these types of amethyst chandelier earrings are hot favorites of many Hollywood celebrities and renowned show business stars. Penelope Cruz and J.Lo are just two of the thousand names who can’t live without a pair of chandelier earrings.

Another significant thing to note folks!

The fact that these chandelier earrings never go out of fashion does not mean that every girl can just put them on whenever they feel like to. There are relevant things and tips that ought to be considered to make this sparkling dangling beautiful piece in your ears.

Choose the kind of look and or personality that you desire to wear in the bare eyes of public. Opt for a pair of beaded chandelier earrings depending on the look that you desire to achieve. Thus, always ascertain to put on a pair that complements with the event that you are planning to attend. Chandelier earrings that are adorned with precious stones and made of expensive metal as gold and silver suit best for formal occasions like weddings, awarding, engagements and the like.

On the contrary, stylish chandelier earrings for a hobo look is fabulous for casual events and gatherings.

For a professional touch, there is always a piece of chandelier earrings that are made available in all fashion shops all over your zone. You can even find many of them in online shops and sites (as showed in catalogs). However, avoid wearing them in work. This is a wonderful way to stay in a safe side.

Consider both the shape and the length of your chandelier earrings. “The longer the better”- that’s the rule of the thumb. However, never make it longer than your neck. For a broader and rounder face, go for a slimmer chandelier earrings and vis-à-vis. This is a perfect way to create a contrast on your fashion statement.

For a very short haired woman, don’t dare wearing a pair of earrings that lies too far from your jaw line. Be keen in proportioning everything you wear.

Wear it with matching jewelries. Be free to mix and match.

Have fun!